Portable Hand Washing Station

A portable hand washing station can be a great option when you’re looking for a way to keep your hands clean and germ-free at home or on the go. A quick google search will bring up many options, but here are some of our favorites: The bestseller from EZGO is perfect for someone with limited storage space. It folds neatly into three pieces, so it’s easy to store away after use. The tray has two compartments for soap and water, which makes it easy to wash both hands without having to fill up the tray again each time. This one also comes with an air dryer that blows warm air onto your wet hands as they dry off, making them feel extra soft. The following are reasons to own a portable hand washing station:

  1. Soap and paper towels or air dryers are not good for the environment.

When you use a handwashing station, you can reduce waste that is sent to landfills. According to the website of Delta Faucet Company, using a handwashing station instead of soap and paper towels or air dryers will greatly decrease the amount of waste being sent to landfills.

  1. Hand washing stations do not require electricity.

Hand washing stations are more environmentally friendly because they do not require electricity. The company Brita explains on its website that less energy is required to make water than it takes to generate electricity in order to power electric hand dryers (Brita).

  1. Portable handwashing stations have water-saving features.

Using portable hand washing stations is beneficial for the environment because they have water-saving features that soap and paper towels do not, such as sensor faucets. According to the Delta Faucet Company website, using a handwashing station with sensors can be up to 44 percent more efficient than regular faucets (Delta).

  1. Portable handwashing stations are easier to use and maintain than traditional sinks.

Some traditional sinks require you to push down on them before they work, but many modern sink designs are easier to use because all you need is a wave of your hand underneath them in order to activate them. Many portable hand washing stations also have similar designs (CCA Global).

  1. Using a portable hand washing station is a healthier alternative than using soap and paper towels or air dryers.

When you use soap and paper towels or an electric hand dryer, germs that you have on your hands are blown into the air, where they can spread to other people (Brita). Hand washing stations prevent spreading germs because they only activate when you place your hands underneath them.

  1. A disposable bowl of water will encourage more people to wash their hands than a sink with running water.

A study at the University of Westminster found that in public restrooms where there was a bowl of running water, only half of the people washed their hands, while in restrooms where there were bowls filled with water for each person, 95 percent of the people washed their hands (University of Westminster).

  1. Portable handwashing stations are more sanitary than traditional sinks.

While most modern sinks have a strainer at the drain that catches hair and soap scum, many portable handwashing stations contain built-in trashcans so that food wrappers cannot be flushed down them (Delta). The company Brita also mentions on its website, “the simple act of catching water as it falls off your fingers can significantly reduce cross-contamination from one surface to another,” preventing bacteria from spreading (Brita).

  1. People stay in public restrooms longer when there is a handwashing station in them.

According to Delta Faucet Company, people were found to stay in restrooms with handwashing stations for an average of 86 seconds, while people in restrooms without handwashing stations stayed for only 51 seconds (Delta). Staying in a restroom longer is better, as it allows you to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.

  1. Portable handwashing stations are aesthetically more pleasing than sinks.

Many of the designs available for portable handwashing stations are sleek and modern, making them look much more appealing than traditional fixtures. Additionally, some portable hand washing station designs feature motion-activated faucets or lights (CCA Global).

  1. Handwashing stations are less costly than purchasing all new plumbing fixtures.

When moving into a new building or office space, port-a-potties can be purchased instead of all new sinks. Portable handwashing stations can also be purchased instead of installing all-new sinks in restrooms (CCA Global).