Wheelchair Accessible Porta Potty

The act of going to the bathroom is a simple and mundane activity, but for those who are in wheelchairs or have mobility issues, it can be difficult. Wheelchair-accessible porta potty rental companies provide an easy solution to this problem by offering portable restrooms that do not require steps or ramps for entry. These units also come with grab bars near the toilet and handrails on both sides of the unit, so you don’t need assistance when entering or exiting. As an event manager, you have to deal with many issues in preparation for the start of your big day. One important issue to consider is hiring a wheelchair-accessible porta potty rental. The following are reasons you should hire a wheelchair accessible porta potty rental:

1) Keeping The Event Site Green

A green site is always beautiful and inviting. By renting a wheelchair-accessible porta-potty and keeping it clean throughout the duration of the event, you will be seen as being environmentally responsible. Plus, the portable toilet rental company will take care of all waste removal for you.

2) Worry-Free Comfort

When guests feel comfortable at an event, they are more relaxed and able to enjoy themselves without worry or stress. To keep guests happy, and comfortable there needs to be adequate bathroom facilities. When your event site is lacking in porcelain fixtures, there may be a long line for the only available restroom, which could cause discomfort and inconvenience to your guests.

3) Not Going Up In Price

If you are hosting an outdoor wedding or other types of gathering that do not require indoor space, it can be difficult to find enough bathrooms to accommodate the number of guests attending. Some locations do not allow certain types of porta potty rentals because they cannot stand up to their harsh winters and hot summers – this can result in added costs if you are required to rent heated/air-conditioned units, changing your rental price drastically due to capacity issues.

4) Company Image

If you want your company or organization’s public image to be one that is professional, responsible, and reliable, you must portray that image by being attentive to details. One detail to consider is the impression you make on guests when they are in need of a facility but cannot find one. A lack of necessary facilities can leave some guests feeling uncomfortable as well as inconvenienced, which will lead them to want to avoid your company/organization and event in the future.

5) Safety

Safety is always important, especially at an outdoor event where hazards are more likely present. By ensuring there are enough wheelchair-accessible porta potty rentals, other facilities such as handwashing stations can also be provided, resulting in extra precautions for the safety of guests.

6) No Cleanup Hassles

When guests visit your event site and notice bathrooms or other common necessities are lacking, they will not want to return. Not being able to find a clean bathroom is potentially embarrassing and something guests would likely prefer to avoid.

7) Smelling Good

One of the worst things about going out in public is encountering unpleasant smells along the way. By providing enough wheelchair-accessible porta potty rentals for your guests, you can result in fewer odor issues as well as lessen the chances of any unappealing sewage backups occurring on your property.

8) Commitment To Guests

By renting wheelchair accessible porta potties and ensuring that they are always kept clean, you are showing commitment to your guests which shows that you value their satisfaction at your event. If guests are able to easily access a clean restroom when they need it, the likelihood of them returning in the future is greater.

9) Longer Event Duration

If you would like your event to run for more than a few hours without any interruption or delay, provide adequate facilities and amenities for all of your guests by renting wheelchair-accessible porta potties. By fulfilling guest’s needs in this way, they will be able to focus on enjoying themselves rather than looking for an available bathroom – the longer your event can run uninterrupted, the more satisfied and impressed guests will feel.

10) Avoiding Offending Guests

When you rent wheelchair-accessible porta-potties, there is less chance that visitors to your event will be offended by the lack of sufficient bathrooms or facilities. If guests have to spend a long time waiting in line for the only available facility, they are going to find it annoying and prevent them from having an enjoyable experience. By making sure there is always enough wheelchair-accessible porta potties on-site, this issue can be prevented.